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Solving Core Problems (Part 1)

Walk through talks about data ownership, accountability, scalability, agility, discovery and consumption. Also delve deeper into trust and reliability in data engineering and fine details of data management.

Ownership and Accountability

Ownership and accountability form the bedrock of a successful and resilient data ecosystem, and this principle holds true not just for software engineering but also for the broader spectrum of data functionalities. In the rapidly evolving landscape of data, where startups emerge and vanish swiftly, those that endure share a common thread – a robust system of ownership and accountability. These principles are not merely buzzwords but practical strategies that align organizations, especially from an engineer's perspective.

Defining Ownership and Accountability

For an engineer, ownership goes beyond routine duties; it encompasses actions that establish trust and confidence across the organization. It involves taking responsibilities that extend beyond the job description, fostering a sense of accomplishment, and contributing to the organization's bottom line. Accountability, from an engineer's standpoint, is akin to standing by the code even when things go awry, accepting, staying, and rectifying issues regardless of potential consequences. This level of accountability is what distinguishes exceptional engineers and contributes to lateral growth and development.

Why Ownership and Accountability Matter

Ownership and accountability are not just buzzwords; they are catalysts for lateral growth and development. They empower an engineer to transcend individual concerns and consider the broader perspective—thinking not only for oneself but also for the team, stakeholders, organization, and customers. These principles mold an engineer into a future-ready leader, fostering a mindset that is pivotal for navigating the dynamic data landscape. The ownership mindset ensures that an engineer is equipped to take on roles ranging from a founder to an entrepreneur, ready to drive decisions and contribute to the organization's success.

These are not abstract concepts but practical principles that guide engineers in their professional journey. The strategies outlined above serve as a roadmap for engineers transitioning to managerial roles, ensuring they contribute effectively to the success of the organization.

Deep Dive
Ownership and Accountability — A Software Engineer’s Handbook

What’s the Difference Between Ownership and Accountability?

Scalability and Agility

Scalability is a hot topic, often revolving around system size. This interest traces back to the evolution of computing and the rise of distributed computing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, spurred by the advent of computer networks like Ethernet. With the proliferation of interconnected computers, scalability became crucial, especially with the emergence of the Internet as the largest distributed system. This growth gave birth to various scalability dimensions, each addressing different aspects of system expansion.

Scalability, broadly defined, reflects a system's ability to handle tasks as it grows. The growth can manifest in various directions: increasing user base, expanding resource pool, or augmenting physical infrastructure. For instance, a surge in users or data volume necessitates systems to adapt seamlessly without compromising performance. This adaptability, known as scalability, ensures that the system remains efficient and effective amidst growth.

Scalability: growing a distributed system in different directions | Source

In assessing scalability, three main dimensions come into play: size scalability, geographical scalability, and administrative scalability. Size scalability focuses on how a system handles increased users or resources, ensuring continued performance without disruptions. Geographical scalability considers the system's efficiency and accessibility regardless of the physical distance between users and resources. Administrative scalability, on the other hand, concerns the manageability of added resources, ensuring that system expansion doesn't lead to a disproportionate increase in administrative overhead. These dimensions collectively provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing the complexities of system growth in distributed environments.

Distributed data storage has two fundamental concepts reign supreme: Partitioning and Replication. Partitioning involves breaking down data into subsets stored across multiple machines, while Replication entails copying data to several machines, enhancing access speed and ensuring redundancy. These concepts, akin to RAID technology for hard drive virtualization, serve as cornerstones for scaling data storage beyond the confines of a single machine.

Partitioning is the art of dividing data into subsets stored across different machines. Horizontal partitioning segregates data by rows, storing similar rows on the same machine, while vertical partitioning divides data by columns, allocating different fields to different machines. These strategies optimize storage and retrieval efficiency, with horizontal partitioning ideal for queries involving few rows and vertical partitioning beneficial for queries requiring specific columns.

An API gateway provides a uniform entry point to access multiple services. It typically handles many tasks, such as request routing, authentication, rate limiting, monitoring and logging, some error recovery, protocol translation, and caching | Source

Irrespective of partitioning method, a robust data storage infrastructure orchestrates connections to all partitions, facilitating seamless data retrieval. Clients interact with this infrastructure, abstracted from the complexities of partition handling, as they access what appears to be a unified database. Meanwhile, replication ensures data redundancy across machines, guarding against loss and bolstering system reliability.

Moreover, distributed systems necessitate scalable data processing methods, ranging from real-time stream processing to batch processing over large datasets. These strategies, including Services, Batch Processing, Stream Processing, and the Lambda architecture, cater to varied computational needs, ensuring efficient handling of user requests and large-scale data processing. As distributed systems continue to evolve, the synergy between scalable storage and processing methodologies becomes paramount for driving innovation and efficiency in data-driven ecosystems.

Deep Dive
Scalability: Growing a System in Different Directions

Scaling Data Storage and Data Processing and Machine Learning in Production Systems

Discovery and Consumption


Unlocking the Value of Vast Data Assets

In today's data-driven landscape, where data volumes grow exponentially each year, many organizations find themselves drowning in vast data assets. The emergence of new business leaders often brings challenges in accessing reliable and relevant data for fundamental business questions. Duplicate tables and unclear data structures contribute to the difficulty in extracting trustworthy insights. The solution to this conundrum lies in data discovery, a process that empowers users to efficiently search, access, understand, and analyze an organization's data assets.

Objectives and Benefits of Data Discovery

The primary objectives of data discovery revolve around making data searchable, accessible, and reliable. Given the complexity of managing vast data spread across multiple sources, data discovery aims to streamline data access, saving time spent on searching and preparing data. Moreover, data discovery enhances data reliability by profiling data for accuracy, consistency, and completeness. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in supporting data governance strategies, providing transparency into data location, lineage, and usage. This transparency facilitates accountability for data quality, protection, and governance, ultimately fostering trust in data-derived insights.

Interplay Between Data Discovery, Data Governance, and Data Quality

Data discovery and data governance are integral components in managing an organization's data effectively. While data discovery focuses on finding and understanding data, data governance establishes rules for data usage, defining who can use what data and how. These processes complement each other, ensuring that discovered data aligns with governance rules, promoting proper data usage and adherence to legal and regulatory standards. Data quality, on the other hand, involves assessing data reliability, completeness, and accuracy. Data discovery contributes to data quality by exposing more data to business users, allowing them to identify anomalies and contribute to data quality improvements.


Cloud data consumption patterns are essential for any organization’s business intelligence operations. The ability to access and analyze data quickly, accurately, and cost-effectively is paramount for success. As such, businesses have turned to cloud technologies like Amazon Redshift to help them manage their data needs.

Minerva API serves as the interface between the consumers and the underlying datasets | Source

Understanding each of the different cloud data consumption patterns available to businesses and determining which one is best suited to their needs is essential for optimizing business operations. Redshift Data Sharing is the best choice for sharing or accessing data with external partners, Redshift Data Mesh is great for integrating data from multiple sources, and Redshift Spectrum is ideal for large datasets and intensive analytics. With the right data consumption pattern in place, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and create a more efficient way of working.

Deep Dive
What is data discovery?

Data Discovery-in-Depth

How Airbnb Enables Consistent Data Consumption at Scale

Amazon Redshift: Data Consumption Patterns

Trust and Reliability

Reliability in Software Engineering: The Birth of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

In the software engineering domain, reliability is defined by a system's ability to function without failure under specified conditions. Google pioneered the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) discipline in response to the challenges of managing large-scale, complex systems. SRE teams play the role of superheroes, ensuring systems are highly reliable, available, and performant. Their responsibilities include monitoring, automating processes, and responding to incidents, embodying a blend of software engineering and operations to ensure reliability, scalability, and maintainability.

From Application Downtime to Data Downtime

The transition from application downtime to data downtime is a significant shift in focus. Application downtime refers to unavailability or reduced functionality of software systems, while data downtime pertains to periods when data becomes inaccessible. In the era of data-driven innovation, the competitive advantage lies in the data behind the product. Data downtime can erode this advantage, making data reliability a critical concern.

Understanding Data Reliability

Data reliability encompasses accuracy, consistency, and dependability. It is the bedrock of informed decision-making, operational efficiency, and compliance. Reliable data is indispensable for business success in today's data-driven environment. The article emphasizes that while software reliability concepts are well-known, achieving perfection in data reliability remains a distant goal, especially with the increasing integration of AI into various facets of our lives.

Building Data Trust: The Key to Reliable Data Solutions

Building trust in data is a multifaceted process that involves various steps and considerations. The first step is fostering a data-centric culture within an organization by ensuring everyone in the data supply chain understands the crucial role of data. The second step focuses on data accuracy, emphasizing the removal of restrictions on data volume to achieve accuracy and performance. The third step revolves around replicating and validating analytics and actions based on data to enhance credibility. Trust in data is critical for successful data-driven decision-making, and the article provides insights into understanding and establishing this trust.

Data Trust Design Patterns: How Design Boosts User Trust in Data

Visual representation of the four key components of data trust:
Data quality, Transparency, User experience, Data compliance & governance

User trust in data is vital for product engagement and sustained usage. Data trust extends beyond data quality to include transparency, user experience, value delivery, data governance, and compliance. The article introduces four key components of data trust: data quality, transparency, user experience, and data compliance & governance. Designers play a pivotal role in shaping data trust by focusing on these components and addressing the concerns of key stakeholders. The piece further delves into measuring user trust through various metrics and provides design patterns to boost user trust, emphasizing transparent communication and user-centric design principles.

Deep Dive
Why Data Reliability Should Be the Top Priority

Building Data Trust: The Key to Reliable Data Solutions

Data trust design patterns: How design boost user trust in data